Exercise as a Solution For Mental Health Issues


New member
Have any of you noticed mental or emotional benefits from types of exercise other than running? Maybe lifting or yoga? Personally, I've experienced the mental clarity and mood-boosting effects not just from cardio but also from weightlifting and yoga.

Each type of exercise seems to offer its own unique benefits, such as the endorphin rush from a good run or the sense of accomplishment every time I achieve a new personal best in the gym.

Media's Role in Mental Health Awareness
Documentaries like "Trip of Compassion" can really open our eyes to different therapies.

Do you think such films help reduce the stigma around mental health treatments?

I believe documentaries like "Trip of Compassion" play a crucial role in getting a real overview of mental health treatments. By showcasing real therapy sessions and the positive impact they can have on individuals struggling with trauma, these films help normalize discussions around mental health and encourage people to seek help when needed.

Would love to hear your thoughts or any personal stories related to these topics!
