5 Ways To Upgrade Your MINDSET & Get Out Of A Rut! EP 1131

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Lewis Howes

“The one piece of life I was missing was having the courage to face myself.” - David Goggins

Today’s episode is a special one. Over the years we’ve had guests share incredible stories about creating a new life for themselves and developing the motivation and discipline to follow through. So today we wanted to bring together some of our favorite moments from episodes to inspire you and show you how to take your life to the next level whether you’re in a tough spot right now or starting to feel complacent. We believe in you and we're excited to share these messages with you.

In this episode Lewis and the guests discuss how to unlock your potential with David Goggins, the 5 second rule to change your life with Mel Robbins, how to go from rock bottom to living a life of purpose with Lisa Nichols, the mindset model to become limitless with Jim Kwik, how Rich Diviney trained himself to be motivated as a Navy Seal, and so much more!

For more go to: www.lewishowes.com/1131

Previous episodes of each guest:

David Goggins: www.lewishowes.com/715

Mel Robbins: www.lewishowes.com/970

Jim Kwik: www.lewishowes.com/947

Lisa Nichols: www.lewishowes.com/979

Rich Diviney: www.lewishowes.com/1058

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