914 The Unfiltered Guide to Starting a Successful Podcast with Chris Harder

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Lewis Howes

So, you want to start a podcast?

Well...it's definitely easier said than done.

Entrepreneur and podcaster Chris Harder invited me to a special Q&A at his Mastermind where I answered some questions about podcasting. Honestly, I get this question a lot, “What’s your advice on starting a podcast?”

...And I tell most people...they shouldn’t. With more and more people starting podcasts everyday, it will take so much work to stand out in the crowd. You can have the right intentions, but if you don't start with the right foundation, your podcast will probably disappear into the void.

But if you are clear on WHY your podcast needs to be made and who you're serving, you stand a fighting chance.

We just celebrated 7 years of The School of Greatness podcast about 2 weeks ago, and today my documentary Chasing Greatness finally premiers. It's been a long journey, full of ups and downs - moments of celebration and also hardship. Looking back, I'm proud of what I've accomplished. I'm excited about what I will accomplish. But mostly, I'm just so grateful.

I’m so grateful to all of you who have supported us from day one. I'm always excited to hear about who has found this podcast helpful with growing stronger in their health, relationships, business, career, and more. I wanted this podcast to have an impact - a positive impact - on the world. You all have helped me get there.

Today, I’m really excited to give you insight into how I approach creating this podcast every week for you. Join me on Episode 914 to learn my advice for starting your own podcast, dealing with negative feedback, and using it to grow in your personal life.

  • Should anyone start a podcast? (0:21)
  • When did you start doing video on your podcast? (18:25)
  • Who is the most surprising guest you’ve interviewed? (23:12)
  • What’s the biggest personal shift that has come to you from hosting your podcast? (27:48)
  • Who is your favorite podcast host to listen to? (43:54)
  • What is the why behind your podcast? (54:05)
  • How valuable is it to be interviewed on podcasts as the CEO of your company? (1:01:15)

  • What the year over year growth of the School of Greatness podcast has looked like (4:58)
  • The most important psychological part of launching a great podcast (6:30)
  • The difference between being a coach with a podcast and being a media company (15:03)
  • How I get great guests on the show (24:50)
  • How to choose the name of your podcast (34:30)
  • How I take care of my voice (42:42)
  • How to overcome the fear of judgment when starting a podcast (44:52)
  • What not to do as a podcast host (1:02:53)
  • Advice for re-launching an existing show (1:04:29)
  • Why philanthropy and giving back are so important (1:06:54)
  • Plus much more...

If you enjoyed this episode, check out the video, show notes and more at http://www.lewishowes.com/914 and follow at instagram.com/lewishowes

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