Are You More Concerned With Your FICO Score or Your Net Worth?

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The Ramsey Show

Dave Ramsey & Jade Warshaw answer your questions and discuss:

  • "I'm in a lawsuit with cofounders of my company,"
  • Getting out of upside down cars (and motorcycles),
  • "Am I saving too much or should I enjoy my life more?"
  • read more: Why You Need Some Fun Money in Your Budget,
  • Things to do to create margin in your budget,
  • "What should my net worth ratio be?"
  • "Are we able retire now?"
  • "Preparing for high interest rates on a home,"
  • Covering an emergency while in debt,
  • "Should I sell my house to pay of business debt?"
  • "Should I use my gold & silver to pay off debt?"
  • "When would you recommend bankruptcy?"
  • "How do we set goals after paying off debt?"

Have a question for the show? Call 888-825-5225 Weekdays from 2-5pm ET

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