834 Rise Above Your Circumstances

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Lewis Howes

WHAT’S YOUR EXCUSE? We love to focus on why we’re not able to go after our dreams. Whether it’s our financial situation, our past, or the government, it’s much easier to blame an outside force than take responsibility. But what if there are no excuses? What if the only thing in your way is you? After all, you can’t change your circumstances. But you can change how you react to them. Life isn’t happening to you- you’re happening to it. For this Five Minute Friday, I revisited a conversation I had with Fabio Viviani where he shared how he became successful in America despite being in debt and not speaking English. Fabio believes that complaining only holds you back from going after what you really want. Learn how to succeed in spite of any circumstances in Episode 834.
In This Episode You Will Learn:
Fabio’s mindset (2:13)
Fabio’s biggest pet peeve (1:45)
Why Fabio lives his life like a “military tank” (2:00)
How Fabio re-created his success in America arriving half a million dollars in debt and not speaking English (2:30)
If you enjoyed this episode, check out the video, show notes and more at http://www.lewishowes.com/834

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